The Forge - a Church of the Nazarene
Loving God, Loving Others, Loving Little Rock
Countless times in the Old and New Testament we are told to worship the Lord with reverence and awe, with gladness, with our whole mind, body, and spirit, with our lives. Worship was in the Garden of Eden and will continue throughout eternity. It is a privilege to come together as a community of faith to worship and then to live out our worship through a life of service. The Worship Ministry at Little Rock First Nazarene exists to facilitate this worship both privately and corporately.
Karen Whiting wrote “God does not give us talents to make us proud. God gives us talents so that we have something to give to others.” There are many places at LRFCN for you to serve God through the use of the talents He has given.
Sunday School
The Sunday School program at LRFCN consists of classes adapted to reach all levels of learning, from the Nursery and Toddler levels all the way to our Senior Citizens. We have three children's classes for those between the ages of four through grade 6, and a Junior High and Senior High youth ministry. Our adult department includes five classes with a variety of studies to choose from. You are invited to join us each Sunday morning at 9:00 AM for Sunday School.
Nursery – Ages 0-1
Toddlers – Ages 2-4 after Aug. 1
Kindergarten – Ages 4 before Aug. 1 – Kindergarten
Early Elementary – grades 1-3
Upper Elementary – grades 4-6
Teens – grades 7-12
Adult classes – Komjoynus (teacher: Ron Graham)
Think Like Jesus (teacher: John Guess)
The Well Class: (teachers: Rita Powell,
Adam Brown, David Raath)
Men's Ministry
FCN has an enthusiastic group of Men that come together regularly for Ministry and Fellowship! We enjoy getting together for Travelers Games, Monday Night Football games, and fellowshipping on the Softball field! We also regularly meet for workdays to maintain our church facility. We enjoy serving our community and joining other congregations to minister together in service projects.
Get Together
"Make a joyful noise noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing." Psalms 100:1-2.
LRFCN has a vibrant music ministry. For more information, please visit our Music Ministry Homepage.
Children's Ministry
Giving children an opportunity to love and learn about God in a life-changing way.
For more information, please visit our Children's Ministry Homepage.
Teens Ministry
Project 180 Youth Ministries: where students seek God, encounter His presence, and see His Word come alive in their lives.
For more information, please visit our
P.T. Cruisers
A ministry for those 55 and older where we spend time together each month in fellowship, prayer, and ministry.